Many challenges are inherently inspired by divorce, but things can become even more complex when your ex is a narcissist. A person who is affected by narcissism lives in a fantasy land that revolves around them. Their tendency to try to twist situations can make it...
Firm News
Modifications in child support due to child endangerment
Determining the best custody arrangement for a child after divorce is tough. Sometimes, even after careful consideration, the decision which is supposed to be in the child's best interest can turn out for the worse. For example, unforeseen circumstances may result in...
How is a business divided during divorce?
Dividing property can be a lengthy process during divorce proceedings. You and your ex might encounter assets that are difficult to classify, such as businesses. Some assets might be simple to classify. If you property was received them during the marriage, it is...
Why sharing child custody may make financial sense
Going from a two-income household to a single-income home is one of the big post-divorce challenges. Even more so if you have children, their expenses following a divorce tend to be greater when managing your own household and child support does not necessarily cover...