Considerations for child custody in the summer months

On Behalf of | Jan 20, 2025 | Child Custody

Most parents know that having a child means that you have to adjust certain aspects of parenting at different points of the year. One time of year that often requires major changes is summer, partly because children aren’t in school during the week.

For parents who aren’t together any longer, the summer months come with specific challenges. Getting these worked out as early as possible helps to avoid the last-minute stress that would come with trying to figure it out at the start of summer. 

Verify the parenting schedule

The parenting time schedule during the summer lets each parent know when they need to care for the children. This may mean hiring a babysitter or signing the kids up for summer camp. It may be difficult to get these things set up if you wait too long to get started. 

Set the vacation plans

Another summer event that may be challenging to set up is the family vacation. You should check the parenting plan to see what it says about vacations. In some cases, vacation schedules have priority over the standard parenting time schedule. As you’re making your vacation plans, be sure to consider communication during the vacation because it’s important that your children can remain in contact with their other parent. 

The parenting plan outlines many points that are applicable to co-parenting during the summer months. Ensuring everything is set in a way that’s best for the children is important. It may be easier to do this if you work with someone familiar with these situations. 



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