What to consider before posting about your child on social media

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2021 | Child Custody

Social media has gone from a passing interest to a mainstay in modern communication. Rather than trying to text (or mail) pictures and updates about your life and your family, you can make a quick post on social media and know that most of your social circle can see it.

For parents, many posts will center around their children. While some parents have a good handle on what they should and should not post, others post the good, the bad and the ugly for all to see.

Before you post something about your children on social media, here are a few tips you should keep in mind.

Keep it positive

Most parents know parenting is a challenge. Often you can find your fellow parents commiserating over their latest struggle on social media, and it can be tempting to join the conversation.

When you post about your child on social media (both comments and posts), try to focus on their best attributes. If you need someone to support you through a struggle, try to find a private platform or messaging option.

Your child may not have access to social media now, but eventually, they (and their friends) will be able to find the comments you made. If the post is not something you would say to them in front of their friends, it should not go on social media.

Keep embarrassing moments private

Most parents can remember a time when their own relative brought out an album of embarrassing photos. While it was a moment of embarrassment, it was typically only for a moment and limited to a few family members and close friends.

While social media can feel like a giant photo album to share with your loved ones, its reach is much farther than that. Not only is it more challenging to control your audience, but you also cannot control what your audience will do with the images.

As you consider what you should post on social media, think about how your child will feel when they find what you posted. While some posts can invoke fond memories, others may feel embarrassing or even invoke bullying.



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