Divorce can take a financial and emotional toll in Virginia

On Behalf of | Nov 18, 2020 | Divorce

Sometimes going through divorce is inevitable no matter how hard two people strive to make their marriage work. Unfortunately, the dissolution of a marriage can take both a financial toll and an emotional toll on those going through it. Here are a couple of important steps to take right away to protect one’s personal and financial best interests during a divorce proceeding in Virginia.

First, it is paramount that those going through divorce consider closing any existing joint credit accounts. This may prevent a future ex-spouse from accruing large amounts of debt prior to the finalizing of the divorce. This is important because with a joint credit card, for example, the spouse who did not accrue significant debt on the card will still be contractually responsible to the lender for the debt that the other spouse took on. Another option would be to limit the available credit to a minimum amount.

Second, it is wise for divorcing spouses to remain as amicable as possible, given the circumstances. Doing this may help to make the divorce process quicker and easier to navigate emotionally. If two future exes choose to instead fight over all of their divorce’s small details, their disputes will end up being never-ending, and sadly, this will affect their emotional and financial states.

The ideal situation during a divorce proceeding is for both parties to try to resolve their divorce issues, such as property division and child custody, through informal or formal negotiation, or mediation. The reason for this is that settling divorce matters outside of court tends to be less stressful and less expensive, and often results in a favorable resolution to both spouses. However, if both parties cannot see eye to eye on certain issues, they have no choice but to proceed to divorce trial, where a judge will decide unresolved matters. Either way, an attorney in Virginia will help his or her client to achieve the most personally favorable outcome given the circumstances surrounding the marital breakup.



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